We analyze over 3500 offers to uncover the best ones and save you time.
On average, we achieve 17% savings for our clients.
A dedicated point of contact with you until your installation (and beyond).
Our 5 steps process.
✍️ Step 1 : Validation of the specifications.
We validate your search criteria together. Benefit from our expertise to determine the right space, the right type of lease contract based on your budget and development goals.
🔎 Step 2 : Search across 100% of the market.
Thanks to our tools and network, we have access to all office rental offers in Paris (CBRE, JLL, BNP, Deskeo, My Flex Office, +150 agencies, operators, and +300 coworking spaces). We only select the most relevant ones to save you time.
📅 Step 3 : Targeted (and informative) visits.)
We schedule visits according to your availability to save you time. With our expert eye, we help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of each office.
💸 Step 4 : Rent negotiation.
Thanks to our expertise, we negotiate the rent and terms on your behalf, without any conflict of interest. Our goal? To save you money and prevent unpleasant surprises.
🚚 Step 5 : Move in
Depending on the chosen offices, we can assist you with the construction, layout, and daily services. Our support doesn’t end with the signature!